Gamification of production and logistics operations: Status quo and future directions

  Image Source: This article presents a review of the current body of academic literature concerning gamification of production and logistics to understand the status quo and provide suggestions for future research. The findings indicate that the execution and control of production and logistic processes has been...

Uses and gratifications in Pokémon Go: Why do people play mobile location-based augmented reality games?

Image Source: Launched in the USA on 6 July 2016 (and currently available in over 130 countries), Pokémon Go is a free-to-play/freemium mobile game based on a Japanese transmedia franchise and built on a pre-existing mobile game platform by Niantic, Inc. During the first two months...

Gamified crowdsourcing: Conceptualization, literature review, and future agenda

Image Source: Two parallel phenomena are gaining attention in human–computer interaction research: gamification and crowdsourcing. Because crowdsourcing’s success depends on a mass of motivated crowdsourcees, crowdsourcing platforms have increasingly been imbued with motivational design features borrowed from games; a practice often called gamification. While the body...

Congratulations to GG members’ achievements

Last week the Gamification Group celebrated the great achievements of two of our group members! Congratulations to Juho Hamari, who was selected as the Researcher of the Year, selected between Tampere University of Technology, University of Turku, University of Tampere and Aalto University at UC Pori. Pictures by...

Badges increase user activity – A field experiment on the effects of gamification

Image Source: During recent years, the boundary between games and other systems and services has become increasingly blurred. This development can be seen to be bi-directional: On one hand, within games, users are increasingly subjected to decision making situations pertaining to outside-game concerns (especially with the...

Social motivations of live-streaming viewer engagement on Twitch

Image Source: Live-streaming is an interactive form of internet-based multi- media entertainment that has grown rapidly in popularity world- wide since 2011. Live-streaming has become so popular that, in some cases, there are more people watching others do activities, such as play computer games, than doing...

Gamification, quantified-self or social networking? Matching users’ goals with motivational technology

Image Source: Many of the systems and services we now employ in our daily life are being designed using motivational designs. Motivational designs are designs that aim to help users reach their goals via motivational enforcement. They encourage users, show them their achievement as well as nudge...