Call for Papers – Speculative Semiotics

Guest Editor: Mattia Thibault, Gamification Group, Tampere University.   FULL CFP:   This special issue of Linguistic Frontiers aims to explore the possible and impossible futures for communication technologies or, in other words, a Speculative Semiotics. Projects of nuclear semiotics (Sebeok 1985), focusing on how to communicate across...

Gamification Group in 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Science with collaborations in 6 papers and 4 tracks

The year has started with great news for us! Gamification Group in 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Science (HICSS) represents with collaborations in 6 papers and 4 tracks, e.g. in the areas of XR and gamification: Papers: Bujić, M., Xi, N., & Hamari, J. (2021). Emotional...

The Esports Research Network (ERN) is here!

Esports, or competitive video gaming, is a major global phenomenon (est. revenue at $1.1bn, audience at 495m) that has developed from the internet cafes of the 90’s into a billion dollar industry that fills some of the largest stadiums in the world; there have even...