CALL FOR PAPERS: Game-based learning minitrack in the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS’ 2026)

Submit your paper Game-Based Learning (GBL) is an evolving field that integrates game elements, mechanics, and principles into education and training to enhance students’ experience and learning outcomes. As digital learning landscapes rapidly expand, GBL continues to evolve, incorporating cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI),...

Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Speculative Design / Design Fiction) / Tutkijatohtori (Spekulatiivinen suunnittelu / Design-fiktio)

The Faculty of Information Technologies and Communication Sciences of Tampere University invites applications for a three-year postdoctoral position.  The project “InterReal – Exploring Interreal Translation in the Media Multiverse” will take place at Tampere University, from January 2025 to December 2029. The project is funded by...

Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Gamification, Games & Play, Extended Reality), 3–5 positions / Tutkijatohtori (Pelillistäminen, Pelit, Laajennettu Todellisuus), 3–5 tehtävää

We are looking for highly motivated Postdoctoral Research Fellow’s (3–5 positions) across the research groups of Gamification Group, GGIS, Gameful Futures Lab which are part of the Research Centre of Gameful Realities led by Professor of Gamification Juho Hamari.  The positions are associated with the Forest-Human-Machine Interplay (UNITE)...

Doctoral Researcher (Gamification, Games & Play, Extended Reality), 1–3 positions / Väitöskirjatutkija (Pelillistäminen, Pelit, Laajennettu Todellisuus), 1–3 tehtävää

We are looking for highly motivated Doctoral Researchers (1-3 positions) across the research groups of Gamification Group, GGIS, Gameful Futures Lab which are part of the Research Centre of Gameful Realities led by Professor of Gamification Juho Hamari.  The positions are associated with the Forest-Human-Machine Interplay (UNITE) Flagship’s...