
Consumer Decision-Making in Multisensory and Multiuser Metaverse Marketing The MetaMarketing project is a three-year Co-Research project by Business Finland, Tampere University, LahiTapiola, TietoEvry Oy, Yleisradio Oy, Dagmar Oy, and Acon Oy. The MetaMarketing team is led by Juho Hamari (PI), Nannan Xi (PI), and Juhani Linna...

Call for Papers – Speculative Semiotics

Guest Editor: Mattia Thibault, Gamification Group, Tampere University.   FULL CFP:   This special issue of Linguistic Frontiers aims to explore the possible and impossible futures for communication technologies or, in other words, a Speculative Semiotics. Projects of nuclear semiotics (Sebeok 1985), focusing on how to communicate across...

Gamification Group in 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Science with collaborations in 6 papers and 4 tracks

The year has started with great news for us! Gamification Group in 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Science (HICSS) represents with collaborations in 6 papers and 4 tracks, e.g. in the areas of XR and gamification: Papers: Bujić, M., Xi, N., & Hamari, J. (2021). Emotional...