Apply for a MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship in Games and Gamification at Tampere University
At Tampere University, more than a hundred staff members from three faculti...
Gamification Group (GG) is a multidisciplinary research group that examines the gamefulness of technology, society, culture and economy. Gamification Group is affiliated with Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences at Tampere University and lead research on gamification under Academy of Finland Strategic Profiling, Flagship and Centre of Excellence programs. The group is led by the Professor of Gamification, Dr. Juho Hamari.
At Tampere University, more than a hundred staff members from three faculti...
The Faculty of Information Technologies and Communication Sciences of Tampere Un...
We are looking for highly motivated Postdoctoral Research Fellow’s (...
We are looking for highly motivated Doctoral Researchers (1-3 position...