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Dr. Juho Hamari is a Professor of Gamification at the Faculty of Information Technology and Communications, Tampere University. He leads the Gamification Group.
Prior to current engagements, Dr. Hamari has been a researcher at Aalto University School of Business, Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT as well as a Visiting Scholar at UC Berkeley School of Information (2015-2016).
Dr. Hamari’s and his research group’s (GG) research covers several forms of information technologies such as games, motivational information systems (e.g. gamification, game-based learning, persuasive technologies), new media (social networking services, online video streaming, eSports), peer-to-peer economies (sharing economy, collaborative consumption, crowdsourcing), and virtual economies
Dr. Hamari has authored several seminal empirical, theoretical and meta-analytical scholarly articles on these topics from perspective of consumer behavior, human-computer interaction, game studies and information systems science. His research has been published in a variety of prestigious venues such as Organization Studies, Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction, International Journal of Human-computer Studies, Information & Software Technology, Journal of Documentation, International Journal of Information Management, Computers in Human Behavior, Internet Research, Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, Simulation & Gaming as well as in books published by e.g. MIT Press.
Dr. Hamari has advised several organizations on varying topics including game design, marketing, behavioural economics and gamification.