This is the programme for NordiCHI 2004, changes
are still possible so please check this site regularly. Times and venues
will be announced as they are confirmed. All tutorials
and workshops on Saturday and Sunday are held in the Pinni B -building
of University of Tampere. See
Please, before the tutorial / workshop, sign in at the registration desk
in the main lobby of Pinni B. The main conference starts on Monday at
Tampere Hall, please sign in the registration desk on your arrival. For
additional information about the practicalities, please visit the Information
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
9:00-9:30 |
Opening session |
Posters |
Posters |
9:30-10:00 |
Keynote:Kristina Höök |
Keynote: Gilbert Cockton |
Keynote: Bonnie John |
10:00-10:30 |
10:30-11:00 |
Coffee |
Coffee |
Coffee |
11:00-11:30 |
Usability I
Chair: Ebba Thóra Hvannberg |
Mobile applications
Chair: Eija Kaasinen
Design II
Chair: Janet Read
Multimodal interaction
Chair: Aulikki Hyrskykari
User involvement
Chair: Jan Gulliksen
Biometrics, attention, awareness
Chair: Veikko Surakka
11:30:12:00 |
12:00-12:30 |
12:30-13:00 |
Lunch |
Lunch |
Lunch |
13:00-13.30 |
13:30-14:00 |
Design I
Chair: Morten Borup Harning
Interaction techniques and devices
Chair: Frank Vetere
Usability II
Chair: Olav W. Bertelsen
Panel: User-Centred Proactive Technology Design
Moderator: Frans Mäyrä
Games and emotions
Chair: Kristina Höök
Content management and searching
Chair: Marta Kristin Lárusdóttir
14:00-14:30 |
14:30-15:00 |
Closing session |
15:00-15:30 |
Coffee |
Coffee |
Coffee |
15:30-16:00 |
Virtual environments
Chair: Dag Svanaes
Chair: Poika Isokoski
Usability III
Chair: Timo Jokela
Ubiquitous and ambient interfaces
Chair: Kasper Hornbæk
16:00-16:30 |
16:45-17:15 |
Brief poster presentations |
Evening |
Tampere City Reception |
Conference Dinner |
More detailed programme:
23rd October
24th October
25th October
26th October
27th October
Please note that only a limited number of participants is accepted in
each tutorial and workshop. Also any workshop or tutorial can be cancelled
if there is not enough participants. Possible cancellation will be announced
well in advance. Participation in a tutorial or workshop is not included
in the Conference fee.
The workshops are for Conference delegates
only. Participation in a workshop requires acceptance from its organizers.
You should receive this before registering in any workshop. It is possible
to participate in a tutorial without participating in the Conference.
See the
Registration page for fees and information.
Tutorials on Saturday 23rd October
Venue:B 3109 |
T1 Activity
Cards for User Participation in Product Design
Kirsten Bagger & Werner Sperschneider
Danfoss |
Venue: B 3110 |
T2 Design of future relevant
and feasible ubiquitous scenarios: applications for context awareness
in entertainment
Anxo Roibás, Urpo Tuomela, Katja Kytökorpi
University of Brighton, UK / Nokia Corporation
Venue: B3111 |
T3 Gaze-Based Human-Computer
Kari-Jouko Räihä, Aulikki Hyrskykari, Päivi Majaranta
University of Tampere, Finland
x |
T4 HCI software: Using Ozlab for rapid prototyping (cancelled) |
Venue:B 1097 |
T5 Mobile User-Interface
Design: For Work, Home, Play, and On the Way
Aaron Marcus
Aaron Marcus and Associates, USA |
Workshops On Saturday 23rd October
x |
W1 Characteristics of useful HCI theory (cancelled) |
x |
W2 Implementing RUP and Usability - Overcoming the Common Difficulties (cancelled)
Venue: B 3117 |
W3 Usability, Utility and
Ethics of Location Based Services
Teija Vainio, Virpi Anttila & Eija Kaasinen
University of Tampere; VTT |
Tutorials on Sunday 24th October
Venue: B 1097 |
T6 Cross-Cultural
User-Interface Design
Aaron Marcus
Aaron Marcus and Associates, USA |
Venue: B 3110 |
T7 Usability maturity models:
evaluating the user-centeredness of companies
Timo Jokela
University of Oulu, Finland |
Venue: B 3109 |
T8 Wizard of Oz Evaluations:
Safe and Sound
Janet Read, Johanna Höysniemi
University of Central Lancashire, UK / University of Tampere, Finland
Workshops on Sunday 24th October
Venue: B 3111
W4 Adaptivity and User
Modelling in a Mobile Learning Environment
Anu Jäppinen, Teija Vainio, Mikko Ahonen
University of Tampere |
Venue: B 3117 |
W5 Aesthetic Approaches
to Human-Computer Interaction
Olav Bertelsen, Marianne Graves Petersen, Søren Pold
University of Aarhus |
Venue: B 3118 |
W6 Human-Computer Interaction
Issues in Proactive Computing
Antti Oulasvirta, Antti Salovaara & Peter Ljungstrand
Helsinki Institute for Information Technology; Interactive Institute
Interaction Design, Chalmers University of Technology |
Venue: B 4115 |
W7 Improving the Interplay
between Usability Evaluation and Interface Design
Kasper Hornbæk, Jan Stage
University of Copenhagen; Aalborg University |
x |
W8 Integrating
Sofware Engineering and Human-Computer Interaction: Starting Small (cancelled) |
18:00-20:00 |
Get together -party at restaurant Minerva, Pinni B -building,
University of Tampere |
Monday 25th October
9:00 - 9:30 |
Plenary: Opening session (Small auditorium) |
9:30 - 10:30 |
Plenary: Keynote talk
Active Co-construction of Meaningful Experiences: but what is the
designer's role?
Kristina Höök - IT University, Sweden |
10:30- 11:00 |
Coffee |
11:00 - 12:30 |
Parallel track 1 (Small auditorium) |
Parallel track 2 (Hall B) |
Demo session 1 |
Usability I
Chair: Ebba Þóra Hvannberg
Two psychology-based usability inspection
techniques studied in a diary experiment
Kasper Hornbæk - University of Copenhagen
Erik Frøkjær - University of Copenhagen
Procuring a Usable System Using Unemployed
Erik Markensten - Royal Institute of Technology
Henrik Artman - Royal Institute of Technology
Criticism as an aesthetic approach to interface
Olav Bertelsen - University of Aarhus
Søren Pold - University of Aarhus
Mobile applications
Chair: Eija Kaasinen
“I'm waiting where we met last time”:
Exploring everyday positioning practices to inform design
Alexandra Weilenmann – Viktoria Institute and Interactive
Peter Leuchovius – Viktoria Institute
Mobile Probes
Sami Hulkko – University of Art and Design Helsinki
Turkka Keinonen – University of Art and Design Helsinki
Tuuli Mattelmäki – University of Art and Design Helsinki
Katja Virtanen – University of Art and Design Helsinki
User-Centered Development of a Browser-agnostic
Mobile E-mail Application (short talk)
Mikko Nikkanen – Nokia Enterprise Solutions
Six Modes of Proactive Resource Management:
A User-Centric Typology for Proactive Behaviors (short talk)
Antti Salovaara – Helsinki Institute for Information Technology
Antti Oulasvirta – Helsinki Institute for Information Technology
12:30 - 13:30 |
Lunch |
13:30 - 15:00 |
Parallel track 1 (Small auditorium) |
Parallel track 2 (Hall B) |
Demo session 2 |
Design I
Chair: Morten Borup Harning
Towards Model-Based Design Support for Distributed
User Interfaces
Chris Vandervelpen - Limburgs Universitair Centrum
Karin Coninx - Limburgs Universitair Centrum
Who is involved in HCI design? An activity
theoretical perspective
Hans Kyhlbäck - Blekinge Institute of Technology
Berthel Sutter - Blekinge Institute of Technology
Breaking Affordance: Culture as Context
(short talk)
Lidia Oshlyansky - UCL Interaction Centre
Harold Thimbleby - UCL Interaction Centre
Paul Cairns - UCL Interaction Centre
Place Storming: Performing New Technologies
In Context (short talk)
Ken Anderson - Intel Corporation
Janet McGonigal - University of California at Berkeley |
Interaction techniques and
Chair: Frank Vetere
TrackMouse: a new solution for 2+2D interactions
(short talk)
Benoit Martin - University of Metz
Roope Raisamo - University of Tampere
In situ tomographic display for interactive
data visualization (short talk)
Lars Winkler Pettersson - Uppsala University
Daniel Wesslén - University of Gävle
Stefan Seipel - University of Gävle
Rhythmic Interaction with a mobile device
(short talk)
Vuokko Lantz - Nokia Research Center
Roderick Murray-Smith - Glasgow University
A Comparison of Two Input Methods for Keypads
on Mobile Devices (short talk)
Aleks Oniszczak - York University
I. Scott MacKenzie - York University
Quikwriting as a Multi-Device Text Entry
Method (short talk)
Poika Isokoski - University of Tampere
Roope Raisamo - University of Tampere
Effect of Foreign Language on Text Transcription
Performance: Finns Writing English (short talk)
Poika Isokoski - University of Tampere
Timo Linden - University of Tampere |
15:00 - 15:30 |
Coffee |
15:30 - 16:30 |
Parallel track 1 (Small auditorium) |
Parallel track 2 (Hall B) |
Demo session 3 |
Virtual environments
Chair: Dag Svanæs
Navigating in Virtual Environments using a
Vision-based Interface
Konrad Tollmar - MIT CSAIL
David Demirdjian - MIT CSAIL
Trevor Darrell - MIT CSAIL
Designing a Collaborative Virtual Environment
for Introducing Pupils to Complex Subject Matter
Ragnhild Halvorsrud - Telenor Research and Development
Simen Hagen - Oslo University College |
Chair: Poika Isokoski
InfoRadar: Group and Public Messaging in the Mobile Context
Matti Rantanen - HIIT
Antti Oulasvirta - HIIT
Jan Blom - Nokia Research Center
Sauli Tiitta - HIIT
Martti Mäntylä - HIIT
Media Center Buddies: Instant Messaging
around a Media Center (short talk)
Tim Regan - Microsoft
Ian Todd - Microsoft
Software Usability: A Comparison Between
Two Tree-Structured Data Transformation Languages (short talk)
Nikita Schmidt - University College Dublin
Corina Sas - Lancaster University |
16:45 - 17:15 |
Plenary: Brief poster
presentations |
19:00- |
Tampere City Reception at Raatihuone/ The Old City
Hall at Tampere central square |
Tuesday 26th October
9:00 - 9:30 |
Poster session, presenters
available at their posters (Winter garden) |
9:30 - 10:30 |
Plenary: Keynote talk (Small auditorium)
Value-Centred HCI
Gilbert Cockton - University of Sunderland,
UK |
10:30 - 11:00 |
Coffee |
11:00 - 12:30 |
Parallel track 1 (Small auditorium) |
Parallel track 2 (Hall B) |
Demo session 4 |
Design II
Chair: Janet Read
Accountable technology appropriation and use
Rebecca Randell - Middlesex University
A Visit on the 'New Utopia' - Revitalizing
Democracy, Emancipation and Quality in Co-operative Design
Ole Sejer Iversen - University of Aarhus
Marianne Graves Petersen - University of Aarhus
Anne Marie Kanstrup - University of Aalborg
Designing a Multi-Layered Image Viewer (short
Linn Gustavsson Christiernin - University of Trollhättan -Uddevalla
Fredrik Lindahl - Chalmers University of Technology
Olof Torgersson - Chalmers University of Technology
Refocusing the Contextual Turn: The Forgotten
Construction of Meaning at the Interface (short talk)
Mikkel Jensen - University of Aarhus
Mads Søgaard - University of Aarhus |
Multimodal interaction
Chair: Aulikki Hyrskykari
Multisensory Interaction Metaphors With Haptics
and Proprioception in Virtual Environments
Joan De Boeck - Limburgs Universitair Centrum
Erwin Cuppens - Limburgs Universitair Centrum
Tom De Weyer - Limburgs Universitair Centrum
Chris Raymaekers - Limburgs Universitair Centrum
Karin Coninx - Limburgs Universitair Centrum
Interactive Video Mirrors for Sports Training
(short talk)
Perttu Hämäläinen - Helsinki University of Technology
On-line Adjustment of Dwell Time for Target
Selection by Gaze (short talk)
Oleg Špakov - University of Tampere
Darius Miniotas - University of Tampere |
12:30 - 13:30 |
Lunch |
13:30 - 15:00 |
Parallel track 1 (Small auditorium) |
Parallel track 2 (Hall B) |
Demo session 5 |
User-Centred Proactive Technology Design
Moderator: Frans Mäyrä - University of Tampere
Other panelists:
Danica Kragic - Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Kristina Höök - IT-University Sweden
Kari Kuutti - University of Oulu
Annika Waern - SICS
Usability II
Chair: Olav W. Bertelsen
Making a Difference
- A Survey of the Usability Profession in Sweden
Jan Gulliksen - Uppsala University
Inger Boivie - Uppsala University
Jenny Persson - Uppsala University
Anders Hektor - Uppsala University
Lena Herulf - Uppsala University
User Involvement in e-Government Development
Asbjørn Følstad - SINTEF
Håvard D. Jørgensen - SINTEF
John Krogstie - SINTEF
User-Centered Concept Development Process
for Emerging Technologies (short talk)
Mika P. Nieminen - Helsinki University of Technology
Petri Mannonen - Helsinki University of Technology
Laura Turkki - Helsinki University of Technology
Sharing and Learning through Pair Writing
of Scenarios (short talk)
Adi Tedjasaputra - Denmark
Eunice Ratna Sari - University of Southern Denmark
Georg Strom - University of Copenhagen |
15:00 - 15:30 |
Coffee |
15:30 - 17:00 |
Parallel track 1 (Small auditorium) |
Parallel track 2 (Hall B) |
Demo session 6 |
Usability III
Chair: Timo Jokela
Instant Data Analysis: Conducting Usability
Evaluations in a Day
Jesper Kjeldskov - Aalborg University
Mikael B. Skov - Aalborg University
Jan Stage - Aalborg University
Analysis of Strategies for Improving and
Estimating the Effectiveness of Heuristic Evaluation
Effie Lai-Chong Law - ETH Zurich
Ebba Thora Hvannberg - University of Iceland
The Activity Walkthrough: an Expert Review
Method Based on Activity Theory (short talk)
Olav W Bertelsen - University of Aarhus
Capturing user requirements for an integrated
home environment (short talk)
William Green - Loughborough University
Diane Gyi - Loughborough University
Roy Kalawsky - Loughborough University
David Atkins - Loughborough University |
Ubiquitous and ambient interfaces
Chair: Kasper Hornbæk
Interaction Through Negotiation
Christina Brodersen - University of Aarhus
Jannie Friis Kristensen - University of Aarhus
Wolves, football and ambient computing:
Facilitating collaboration in problem solving systems through the
study of human and animal groups
David W. Eccles - Florida State University
Paul T. Groth - University of Southampton
An Elastic Audio Slider for Interactive
Speech Skimming (short talk)
Wolfgang Hürst - University of Freiburg
Tobias Lauer - University of Freiburg
Georg Götz - University of Freiburg
Peripheral awareness and smooth notification:
the use of natural sounds in process control work (short talk)
Petter Alexanderson - Lund University |
19:00-23:00 |
Conference dinner at Tullikamarin Pakkahuone |
Wednesday 27th October
9:00 - 9:30 |
Poster session, presenters
available at their posters (Winter garden) |
9:30 - 10:30 |
Plenary: Keynote talk (Small auditorium)
Active Beyond the UI: Product, Process, and Passion
Bonnie John - Carnegie Mellon University, USA |
10:30 - 11:00 |
Coffee |
11:00 - 12:30 |
Parallel track 1 (Small auditorium) |
Parallel track 2 (Hall B) |
Demo session 7 |
User involvement
Chair: Jan Gulliksen
Enculturation of User Involvement in Software
Development Organizations - An Interpretive Case Study in the Product
Development Context
Netta Iivari - University of Oulu
Identifying and Selecting Users for User-Centered
Sari Kujala - Helsinki University of Technology
Marjo Kauppinen - Helsinki University of Technology
Usability evaluation involving participants
with cognitive disabilities (short talk)
Auli Lepistö - University of Kuopio
Saila Ovaska - University of Tampere
Supporting the distributed family: The need
for a conversational context (short talk)
Bente Evjemo - Telenor R&D
Gunnvald B Svendsen - Telenor R&D
Eivind Rinde - Telenor R&D
Jan-Are K Johnsen - The Norwegian Centre of Telemedicine
Biometrics, attention, awareness
Chair: Veikko Surakka
A Laboratory Method for studying Activity
Gregorio Convertino - The Pennsylvania State University
Dennis C. Neale - Virginia Tech
Laurian Hobby - Virginia Tech
John M. Carroll - The Pennsylvania State University
Mary Beth Rosson - The Pennsylvania State University
Evaluating Procedural Aspects of Intense
Collaboration (short talk)
Terence Blackburn - University of South Australia
Damien Bright - University of South Australia
Rudi Vernik - Defence Science and Technology Organisation
Unobtrusive User Identification with Light
Biometrics (short talk)
Heikki Ailisto - VTT
Mikko Lindholm - VTT
Satu-Marja Mäkelä - VTT
Elena Vildjiounaite - VTT
Visual Attention Tracking During Program
Debugging (short talk)
Roman Bednarik - University of Joensuu
Markku Tukiainen - University of Joensuu
Can Eye Movements Be Quantitatively Applied
to Image Quality Studies? (short talk)
Tero Vuori - Nokia
Maria Olkkonen - Nokia
Monika Pölönen - Nokia
Ari Siren - Nokia
Jukka Häkkinen - Nokia |
12:30 - 13:30 |
Lunch |
13:30 - 14:30 |
Parallel track 1 (Small auditorium) |
Parallel track 2 (Hall B) |
Demo session 8 |
Games and emotions
Chair: Kristina Höök
Emotional Response Patterns and Sense of Presence
during Video Games: Potential Criterion Variables for Game Design
Niklas Ravaja - Helsinki School of Economics
Timo Saari - Helsinki School of Economics
Mikko Salminen - Helsinki School of Economics
Jari Laarni - Helsinki School of Economics
Jussi Holopainen - Nokia Research Center
Aki Järvinen - Veikkaus, The Finnish National Lottery
Attitudes to new technology and experiential
dimensions of two different digital games (short talk)
Heikki Särkelä - University of Helsinki
Jari Takatalo - University of Helsinki
Jeppe Komulainen - University of Helsinki
Göte Nyman - University of Helsinki
Jukka Häkkinen - Nokia Research Center
Affective Effects of Agent Proximity in
Conversational Systems (short talk)
Timo Partala - University of Tampere
Veikko Surakka - University of Tampere
Jussi Lahti - University of Tampere
Content management and searching
Chair: Marta Kristín Lárusdóttir
Usability Issues in Utilizing Context Metadata
in Content Management of Mobile Devices
Antti Sorvari - Nokia Research Center
Janne Jalkanen - Nokia Ventures Organization
Riitta Jokela - Nokia Technology Platforms
Alastair Black - Nokia Technology Platforms
Kimmo Koli - Nokia Research Center
Marko Moberg - Nokia Technology Platforms
Turkka Keinonen - University of Art and Design Helsinki
Proportional Search Interface Usability
Mika Käki - University of Tampere |
14:30 - 15:00 |
Plenary: Conference closing session (Small auditorium) |
15:00 - 15:30 |
Coffee |