W4 Adaptivity and User Modelling in a Mobile Learning Environment
Anu Jäppinen, Teija Vainio, Mikko Ahonen
Hypermedia Laboratory
University of Tampere
This workshop is focused on adaptive mobile learning environments. The goal is to examine how to design adaptive mobile learning environments and particularly discuss the role of user modelling. The authors will provide design examples from MOBIlearn project. Participants are welcome to provide their own cases also outside mobile learning area.
Adaptivity is usually defined as a form of adaptation: the system is adapting its output using some data or knowledge about the learner in a system controlled way. In practice this means that in mobile learning environment the learning system adapts its output – the learning content, a user interface or both – to knowledge e.g. of learner's location, learning patterns, personal preferences, terminal used, knowledge level of the subject.
Outcomes of the workshop are:
Participants can identify benefits and challenges of adaptivity in user modelling and in mobile learning.
Participants will have a realistic view of technical implementation and system design challenges.
More information: http://www.uta.fi/hyper/projektit/mobilearn/workshop/