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Main page: Programme: panel



NordiCHI 2004 Panel

User-Centred Proactive Technology Design

One of the prominent recent discussions has been focused on the concept of Proactive Computing. As originally suggested by David Tennenhouse, Intel's chief scientist, its focus is on the (perceived) necessary transition from human-centred office computations to human-supervised proactive computing. Nordic countries have traditionally been strong in advancing user-centred approaches to design, both of material environments and objects as well as in the context of information and communications technology designs. This panel will address the seeming conflicts or contradictions between the premises of Proactive Computing, and the philosophy of human-centric designs.

In particular, the panel will deal with issues like the conceptions of users
behind current trends in information technology research and development, how these views on human­technology relationship are reflected in the practical work of the panel participants, and can the principles behind proactive technologies be united with human-centred design traditions. Participants will represent both sides of the argument, both the views holding that the need and benefits provided by the proactive technologies are real, and also strongly critical views, that see reliance on the intelligence of complex systems at the present level of technology to be a highly questionable design decision. The panel will present the arguments and look for the proper place of proactive designs, putting the debate in concrete contexts.


• Frans Mäyrä, Research Director, Hypermedia Laboratory, University of
Tampere, Finland
• Kristina Höök, Professor, Human Machine Interaction, IT University
in Kista, Sweden
• Danica Kragic, Assistant Professor, Centre for Autonomous Systems,
Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
• Kari Kuutti, Professor, Laboratory of Human-Computer Interaction and
Group Technology, University of Oulu, Finland
• Annika Waern, Researcher, Group Leader, Human­Computer Interaction and Language Engineering Group, SICS, Sweden


Frans Mäyrä
University of Tampere






