Mila Bujić

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Dr. Mila Bujić is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Gamification Group where she started as a Research Assistant in 2017. Her research is mainly experimental and focuses on meaningful (gameful) user experiences with a special interest in the effects of immersive and emerging technologies. She is currently working on conceptualising and operationalising the Gamified Self Framework aimed at reshaping our approach to understanding the implications of gameful experiences on the self.  The primary fulcrum for these investigations is the body ownership illusion in VR and its effects on well-being, prosocial attitudes and behaviour, and intersubjective behaviours. In the following years, she plans on utilising experiments, surveys, thematic analyses, and futures research methods.

With a background in anthropology (BA, 2015), game studies (MSc, 2018), and humans & technologies / games & gamification (PhD, 2021), Dr. Bujić is proficient in a rich array of perspectives and methodologies and has several first-author publications (e.g. Internet Research – IF 6.77, Jufo 2).  She received a Best Paper Award at the Academic MindTrek conference 2020. Moreover, she has been involved in various institutional and community efforts including teaching, organising conferences and game jams, and peer-reviewing for the highest-quality academic venues in her field such as the CHI and CHIPlay conferences and New Media & Society and Simulation & Gaming journals.

Current Projects