Gamification Group | Solving Puzzles Together in Virtual Reality
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Solving Puzzles Together in Virtual Reality

This experiment studies users’ experiences in immersive virtual reality (VR). By VR we mean a head-mounted mediated 3D environment in which the user can move and interact with virtual objects. The aim is to understand what factors influence users and their collaboration efforts in IVR.

Who can participate:

Participants should be of 18 years of age or older, have normal or corrected vision, no significant speech impediments, speak English approximately at the level of B2 (CEFR) or higher, and be able to visit Tampere University premises within 2 weeks after registering for the study.

What it entails:

The study is conducted in two stages 

1) pre-test questionnaires to be filled out at participant’s convenience before selecting a time for coming in for the experiment, and 

2) performing a collaborative task in VR, filling out a post-test questionnaires, and possibly  answering interview questions at Tampere University premises.  

The pre-test questionnaire contains information on demographics and various personal traits.  

At Tampere University premises, pairs of participants are introduced to the collaborative tasks, provided time to create an avatar, and placed together to solve the puzzles. Participants will also answer questionnaires and possibly interview questions at this stage. Participants will be wearing a head-mounted virtual reality headset with headphones, sensors for tracking body movements on their waist and feet, and a wrist bracelet with sensors for detecting heart rate, heart rate variability, and electrodermal activity.

Full information and how to apply:


A Finnkino movie voucher for each participant who completes the study.


The Academy of Finland (project Postemotion; 342144)

Foundation for Economic Education (project GamEmOrg; 16-9394)

Person responsible and contact:

Mila Bujić
Postdoctoral Research Fellow (