Gamification/VR in Bioinformatics – Early Stage Researcher – ESR, Doctoral Studentships in the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovation Training Network, 1 position
Gamification Group (GG) at Faculty of information Technology and Communication Science, Tampere University (headed by Prof. Hamari) is internationally revered for seminal academic and societal contributions in the areas of novel technologies such as motivational information systems (e.g. gamification, game-based learning, quantified-self, persuasive technologies), internet commerce (e.g. crowdsourcing, crowdfunding, sharing economies, game economies), new media (e.g. esports, streaming, immersive journalism) as well as human-computer interaction (VR, wearables, transhumanism, user interfaces). However, GG is especially recognized as the birthing ground for the general umbrella field of gamification research where GG is one of the most prolific research groups internationally in its pursuit to wield gameful approaches towards the flourishing of the planet, people and prosperity.
Tampere University and Tampere University of Applied Sciences create a unique environment for multidisciplinary, inspirational and high-impact research and education. Our universities community has its competitive edges in technology, health and society. Read more: www.tuni.fi
Job Description
Research in this position is related to the PROTrEIN (http://protrein.eu/). PROTrEIN is a European innovative and interdisciplinary Research and Training network to train the next generation of researchers in computational proteomics. The network gathers top international experts in computational proteomics, network biology, data visualization, mass spectrometry and gamification from prestigious European academic and private institutions and it is composed of 11 beneficiaries, and 8 partner organizations. This position will focus on identifying effective gamified methodologies through the design and the implementation of an application, with motivational affordances and/or VR technologies in the context of public engagement and understanding of biological data, genomics, bioinformation statistics and modelling.
The work is mainly composed of research-related activities including conducting empirical research, writing and publishing (in top venues of relevant areas) articles, acquiring (or assisting in acquiring) further funding, co-organizing seminars, meeting collaborators, participating in industrial and academic conferences and conventions related to the candidate’s research topic. However, the job description may also include a small portion of teaching-related activities. The position includes the following secondments: Centre de Regulació Genòmica, Spain. Goal: Medical omics data management and analysis and Domestic Data Streamers, Spain. Goal: Get expertise in data visualisation technologies and User Interface Design. Both secondments aim to straighten the selected candidate background and knowledge and further enrich his career development through expertise, networking and mobility. Moreover, the candidate will enroll into a doctoral program in interactive technology at the faculty of information technology and communication sciences at Tampere University.
The supervisory team includes:
Professor Juho Hamari / Gamification Group, Tampere University
Dr. Zampeta Legaki / Gamification Group, Tampere University
Professor Sergi Beltran / Bioinformatics Analysis Unit, Centre of Genomic Regulation
REQUIREMENTS (please indicate in your cover letter, how your background matches these bullet)
Minimum qualifications
- Fulfillment of eligibility criteria dictated by the European Commission under the H2020 Marie Curie Innovative Training Network Programme: The candidate must not have resided or carried out their main activity in Finland for more than 12 months in the last 3 years immediately prior of the start of employment in this position.
- Applicable degree: i.e. Master’s degree or equivalent related to the scope of the position awarded before first day of employment
- Candidate must be in the first four years of their research careers and not yet have been awarded a doctoral degree — In other words, candidate should have obtained a degree (i.e. Master’s or equivalent) which would formally entitle them to embark on a doctorate within the last 4 years
Useful dimensions of candidate’s backround
- Bioinformatics
- Educational sciences (especially public understanding of science)
- Applied psychology (as relevant to education and motivation)
- Computer science / Human-computer interaction
Skills and methods
- Experience with scientific programming environment (e.g. Unity, C#, javascript, python, R)
- Technical skills related to data analytics (examples: data visualization, SciVis, InfoVis and flexibly manipulating large datasets)
- Aptitude for quantitative empirical research (field/lab experiment, surveys and related applicable data analysis)
- Aptitude for psychophysiological and psychometric measurement
Advantageous qualities
- Impeccable academic article writing/preparation productivity
- Enthusiasm to collaborate locally and in the European-wide ITN network
- Drive for rigorous and impactful research
- Drive for a career in research
- Duration of employment: The positions are fully funded for 36 months by the European Commission under the H2020 Marie Curie Innovative Training Network Programme, however, continuation may be possible at Tampere University. A trial period of six (6) months applies to all our new employees.
- Employment start date: As soon as possible but no later than September of 2021.
- Salary: The approximate gross salary will be around 3600 EUR/month. ESR will receive a Living Allowance and a Mobility allowance (i.e., gross salary) in accordance with H2020 MSCA rules. ESRs who have a family at the beginning of their employment will also receive a family allowance, also according to H2020 MSCA rules. The salaries are adjusted to the living costs in the countries of each of the participant units, according to H2020 MSCA rules.
We offer a wide range of staff benefits, such as occupational health care, flexible working hours, excellent sports facilities on campus and several restaurants and cafés on campus with staff discounts. Please read more about working at Tampere University.
Tampere is one of the major academic hubs in the Nordic countries and offers a dynamic living environment. Tampere region is one of the three most rapidly growing urban areas in Finland and home to a vibrant knowledge-intensive entrepreneurial community. The city is an industrial powerhouse that enjoys a rich cultural scene and a reputation as a centre of Finland’s information society. Tampere is an epicenter of game research internationally. For more information on Tampere and Finland, please visit:
- https://visittampere.fi/en/
- https://www.visitfinland.com/
- https://www.infofinland.fi/en/frontpage
In order to apply please submit the application here (http://protrein.eu/call-for-applicants/) by 31 January 2021 and follow instructions outlined on the page and the form. Please attempt to address the requirements and listed skills in your letter.
Dr. Zampeta Legaki, zampeta.legaki@tuni.fi
Professor, Juho Hamari, juho.hamari@tuni.fi
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