Georgina “Ginnie” Guillen

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Ginnie Guillen (also Guillen-Hanson) is a postdoctoral researcher at the Gamification Group. She developed her PhD in the field of gamifying sustainable consumption at Tampere University, and holds a Master’s in Marketing and Business Direction, an MSc in Strategic Leadership towards Sustainability, and a bachelor’s in Political Science and Economics. Her current research work explores gamification as an enabler of sustainability transitions, particularly consumer engagement toward the Circular Economy.
With 20 years of experience in the field of sustainability and working with the public, private, and not-for-profit sectors in over 40 countries;  Ginnie blends her experience as a practitioner with the skills and knowledge that stems from research, advancing the agenda of sustainable lifestyles.
She has always been interested in translating research findings into “everyday language,” and collecting knowledge from the field that can be incorporated into research. Her research interests cover a wide array of topics that include citizen engagement through storytelling, human-centered design processes, communication, and the impacts of gamification.
Ginnie is well known for her creativity and out-of-the-box approaches. Her work in the field of sustainable consumption and production has been awarded by the European Roundtable on Sustainable Consumption and Production and recognized by diverse international organizations. Besides working for the private sector, her field activities received funding from the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development and the European Union under the framework of Horizon 2020 and SWITCH Africa Green programs.
She is a board member of the Sustainable Consumption Research Action Initiative (SCORAI) and the Steering Committee of the Futurearth Knowledge Action Network working group on Systems of Sustainable Consumption and Production.