Ferran Altarriba Bertran is a playful interaction designer and researcher from Barcelona, currently finishing his PhD in Computational Media at UC Santa Cruz. Ferran’s research explores how to design everyday-use technologies that afford playful engagement with mundane activities to respond to people’s socio-emotional needs.
In his doctoral research, Ferran centered on human-food interaction and smart cities as areas of playful intervention; in his post-doc work within the Gamification Group, he is shifting gears to investigate the design of playful technology for experiences with(in) nature. Ferran holds a double BA (Hons) degree in Multimedia and Interaction Design from the University of Girona (Catalonia) and the University of Lincoln (UK). He also graduated as a MSc in IT Product Design at the University of Southern Denmark, where he specialized on Participatory Innovation, and Playful and Embodied Design. He’s also done shorter stays at other institutions such as Carnegie Mellon University (US), PHL Hasselt (Belgium), and TU/e Eindhoven (Netherlands), and lectured at Designskolen Kolding (Denmark) and EU ERAM (Catalonia).
Overall, Ferran’s work is concerned with the underpinnings of the applied, theoretical, and methodological underpinnings of playful design.