Gamification Group | Futuristic Investing Experience
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Futuristic Investing Experience

Call for participants – Students are invited to explore a futuristic investing experience!

Who can participate:

We are looking for students (university and college) to take part in a study of digitalized experience. We only recruit students who are not colour-blind and are not susceptible to motion sickness.

What it entails:

As a participant in this study, you would be asked to complete an investing-related task in an experiment, and to fill out our surveys. Participation is entirely voluntary and would take up approximately 1 hour of your time. The offline experiment will be conducted in Tampere University, City Centre Campus. 

Full information and how to apply:

The study will be conducted until October 2022. 

If you are interested in participating in this study, please first fill out this online registration form, it only takes a few minutes to complete. After your registration, our researcher will contact you by email as soon as possible and you can select a convenient time and day to join our study. 

This research complies with Finnish National Board on Research Integrity TENK guidelines 2019. Data collected will remain strictly confidential. All data will be used solely for research purposes. Only people who are associated with the research will be able to process the data. Responses will not be associated with your name; instead, your name will be converted to ensure anonymity. No names or identifying information will be used in any publication or presentation. You can find the privacy notice here.

Acknowledgement: The research work has been funded by OP Ryhmän Tutkimussäätiö ‘INVESTUAL’ (grant no. 20200040), Academy of Finland ‘Digiconsumers’ (grant no. 327241), and ‘UNITE Flagship’ (grant no. 337653).


In appreciation of your time, you will receive coupon(s) redeemable at the local grocery stores (the values range from 5 to 20 euros).

Person responsible and contact:

Elpida Bampouni (

Ans Ahmad (

Dr. Nannan Xi (