Open positions of doctoral student and postdoctoral researcher
Gamification Group opens 1-3 positions on academic career stages of doctoral students and/or postdoctoral researchers at University of Turku, Tampere University of Technology and University of Tampere.
Gamification Group under Professor Juho Hamari is part of the newly established Centre of Excellence in Game Culture Studies (https://coe-gamecult.org/). Gamification Group is hiring immediately 1-2 researchers to the positions ranging from 1 year to 4 years on level of doctoral student and postdoctoral researcher.
The duration of the engagement is determined by the career stage and fit of the candidate into the overall program.
Gamification Group is the largest Game research Group in Finland and operates in three different universities in Finland: Digital Culture at University of Turku, Laboratory of Pervasive Computing Tampere University of Technology and Faculty of Communication Sciences at University of Tampere. The group operates mainly in Tampere (TUT and UTA campuses) and Pori (UC Pori campus) in Finland.
Gamification Group offers ample resources to carry out research across campuses. Moreover, the candidate will be working in collaboration with the larger game research community of Finland as part of the Centre of Excellence in Game Culture Studies (https://coe-gamecult.org/).
Gamification Group’s research has a wide focus on games. GG is looking for candidates e.g. on the following topic areas:
• Users: e.g. engagement, player motivations, player experience
• Education: e.g. serious games, game-based learning,
• Media: e.g. eSports, streaming
• Commerce: e.g. business models, free-to-play, gambling, gamification as marketing
• Work: e.g. organizational gamification, gameful work, gamification in leadership
• Technology: e.g. virtual reality, augmented reality
• Toys & play: e.g. toy play, toy design/creation, toys in education, Internet of Toys
• Health: e.g. quantified self, games for health
• Culture: e.g. the gamification of everyday life
Applicant qualities
The following qualities are appreciated:
• Background in some of the following areas or on a closely related one: Computer science (especially HCI), psychology, information systems science, management / organisation studies, communication/media studies, marketing, health –related sciences
• Prior knowledge of research of above-mentioned topics
• Experience and/or knowledge in quantitative research methods (including e.g. setting up experiments, survey research, quantitative data analysis)
• Experience in game design / HCI design / web design.
In all these positions, the work is mainly composed of research-related activities including conducting empirical research, writing articles, acquiring (or assisting in acquiring) further funding and co-organizing seminars and other events related to research projects and the candidate’s research topic. However, the job description also includes a smaller portion of teaching-related activities, especially related to the topics above. Moreover, the candidate is expected to interact with the society and industry. The position is strongly research-focused on all levels.
Applicants should enclose with their application a CV, list of publications and other documents that may influence the filling of position.
Applications must be submitted by 31 January (at 23:59 EET). The position must be applied using the eRekry online application system hosted by the University of Turku. The link to the electronic application system is found at the beginning of this announcement (Apply for the job).
Additional information is given by professor Juho Hamari, juho.hamari@tut.fi, +358 50 318 6861
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