Call for Special Sessions

The technical program of EUVIP'2018 workshop will include 3 - 4 special sessions on new or emerging topics related to visual information processing and analysis or other cross-disciplinary research. Each special session will consist of 3 - 5 oral presentations. The special session proposal should contain the following information:

The proposal can include additional information such as a list of potential contributors, and any special sessions organized by the same organizers for other conferences.

Special session proposals will be evaluated based on the timeliness of the topic, its uniqueness, and qualifications of the proposers. The Special Sessions Chairs will send a tentative accept/reject decision on the proposal to the proposers within 10 days from the reception of the proposal. Accepted special sessions will be listed on the EUVIP'2018 website. To avoid multiple special sessions covering similar topics, it is likely that an accepted proposal will be combined with similar proposals.

Important dates

The papers should be submitted through the regular submission system and will undergo the same review process as regular papers.

Special Sessions Chairs