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sound event
- Sound Event Detection in the DCASE 2017 Challenge
- Computational analysis of sound scenes and events
- Introduction to sound scene and event analysis
- Transfer Learning of Weakly Labelled Audio
- Assessment of support vector machines and convolutional neural networks to detect snoring using Emfit mattress
- Convolutional recurrent neural networks for bird audio detection
- Sound event detection using weakly labeled dataset with stacked convolutional and recurrent neural network
- Stacked convolutional and recurrent neural networks for bird audio detection
- Assessment of human and machine performance in acoustic scene classification: DCASE 2016 case study
- Proceedings of the Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events 2017 Workshop (DCASE2017)
- Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks for Polyphonic Sound Event Detection
- Sound event detection using spatial features and convolutional recurrent neural network
- Active Learning for Sound Event Classification by Clustering Unlabeled Data
- Filterbank Learning for Deep Neural Network Based Polyphonic Sound Event Detection
- Recurrent Neural Networks for Polyphonic Sound Event Detection in Real Life Recordings
- Sound event detection in real life audio
- Sound event detection in multichannel audio using spatial and harmonic features
- TUT Database for Acoustic Scene Classification and Sound Event Detection
- Metrics for polyphonic sound event detection
- Evaluating the Impact of Sound Events’ Rhythm Characteristics to Listener’s Valence
- Recurrent neural networks for polyphonic sound event detection
- Multi-label vs. combined single-label sound event detection with deep neural networks
- Polyphonic sound event detection using multi label deep neural networks
- Automatic recognition of environmental sound events using all-pole group delay features
- Sound event detection in real life recordings using coupled matrix factorization of spectral representations and class activity annotations
- Acoustic Event Classification Using Deep Neural Networks
- Multilabel Sound Event Classification with Neural Networks
- Recognition of Acoustic Events Using Deep Neural Networks
- Query-by-example retrieval of sound events using an integrated similarity measure of content and label
- Context-Dependent Sound Event Detection
- Analysis of acoustic-semantic relationship for diversely annotated real-world audio data
- Supervised Model Training for Overlapping Sound Events Based on Unsupervised Source Separation
- Sound event detection and context recognition
- Sound Event Detection in Multisource Environments Using Source Separation
- Latent Semantic Analysis in Sound Event Detection
- Acoustic event detection in real life recordings
- TUT Acoustic Event Detection System 2007