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Work packages

WP1: Users and requirements

WP Leader: University of Linz, Institut Integriert studieren, ULINZ, Austria
Contact: Bernhard Stöger, email: bernhard.stoeger arobas

This Work Package has three main objectives. First, to define the appropriate user groups and the interest groups to be involved in the project to maximise the utility and applicability of the results of the project. Second, to build up relations and procedures to involve and motivate these groups of users to the project and the participatory research process both through the user associations and as individuals. Third, to define the basic user requirements both from the perspectives of the disabled users themselves and the other interest groups.

WP2: Senses and accessibility

WP Leader: University of Glasgow, UGLAS, U.K.
Contact: Stephen Brewster, email: stephen arobas
Web page: Workpackage 2 Homepage

In WP2 we carry out basic research through empirical experiments and prototype construction to find out how to use different senses in user interfaces for visually impaired children. One main objective is to explore the idea of cross-modal equivalence and multi-sensory perception through a series of empirical studies that contrast different representations of information across different modalities. The second objective is to design, develop and evaluate a range of navigation and control techniques to allow users to explore, navigate and share data, visualisations (such as graphs, tables and charts) and mathematical formulae. The third objective is to offer WP4 design guidelines that inform the creation of multimodal presentation and navigation tools.

WP3: Collaboration and communication

WP Leader: Royal Institute of Technology, KTH, Sweden
Contact: Eva-Lotta Sallnäs, email: evalotta arobas

The objective of this Work Package is to investigate the specific issues of collaboration in cross-modal interfaces in order to gain knowledge about how visually impaired and sighted children can interact and learn on equal grounds. A mapping of problems in interaction between sighted and visually impaired children will be performed in collaborative situations in their environment in the field. A selection of these problem areas will be studied in detail in order to understand the underlying mechanisms thoroughly. The final objective is to evaluate if the cross-modal interface designed in this project, informed by the studies conducted, can be integrated successfully in the children’s real context in the field.

WP4: Inclusive environment

WP Leader: University of Metz, METZ, France
Contact: Benoit Martin, email: benoit.martin arobas

In WP4 we investigate how to build applications supporting the inclusion of visually impaired children. One main objective of WP4 is to build a software architecture which enables developing of such applications. The second objective is to study interaction techniques in collaboration with WP2 and WP3 and to build prototype applications using the architecture. Key areas of research include multimodal interaction techniques for visually impaired children, prototype applications that can be tested with the children, and software architecture allowing easy access for visually impaired children. This WP receives empirical results and design guidelines from WP2 and WP3, and gives feedback about lessons learnt when applying them. The software built here will be tested in close co-operation with WP5.

WP5: Evaluation

WP Leader: Lund University, ULUND, Sweden
Contact: Charlotte Magnusson, email: charlotte.magnusson arobas

The objective of this Work Package is to refine the design recommendations and the user requirements by performing user evaluations of software and hardware along the design process. The WP also aims at performing a final evaluation of the system.

WP6: Dissemination

WP Leader: Reachin Technologies AB, RIT, Sweden
Contact: Roope Raisamo, email: csrora arobas

The main goal of the dissemination and exploitation is to create a rich mould in which the research performed can become wide spread i.e. used and further spread by the audience. The target groups of the dissemination process are on one hand users, user organizations and the educative institutions as resource centres with their professional staff and on the other hand academic research, industry and commerce and (the Information) society. The other dissemination target groups are scientific and technological

WP7: Management

WP Leader: University of Tampere, UTA, Finland
Contact: Arto Hippula, email: micole-management arobas

The first objective of this work package is to manage successfully the scientific contents, managing the research process to be appropriate, productive and fulfilling the objectives and aims of the project with the expected or above result level.
The second objective is to success with the overall project management, including monitoring activities, communication and reporting progress with refinements of the project plan, finance management and arrangement of project meetings. Important part of this management in this project is also to contribute to mutual understanding, multidisciplinary learning, management of motivation and user involvement as well as active problem foreseeing, solving and decision making. Project risk management is also a part of this routine.

Created by plone
Last modified 31-08-2007 05:45 PM