M.Sc. Tero Tulppo works as researcher in University of Oulu, Finland. He received his M.Sc. degree (2009) in information processing science, mobile services as the area of specialization. Since then he has been working for several research projects in the Department of Information Processing Science of University of Oulu. His research interests are currently focused especially on privacy issues around personal data intensive ubiquitous systems.

Personal Data Privacy in Smart Health Exercise Environments: A Multiple Case Study

Tero Tulppo, Jouni Markkula, Kari Liukkunen, Anna Rohunen, Mikko Järvilehto

Personal data privacy is a major challenge affecting the design and user acceptance of new personal data–intensive ubiquitous services that are used for building smart environments. In this paper we present a multiple case study addressing this challenge in the context of smart health exercise environments. The multiple case study is formed of three related cases consisting of a scenario creation, a field test and a user survey. In these cases, the significance of personal data–disclosure control for data-intensive ubiquitous system design is shown, users’ privacy concerns are identified and specified and privacy concern evaluation instrument is developed. The results also reveal certain aspects that should be taken into account in future research on data privacy.

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