Panagiotis Kampylis

European Commission, Joint Research Center, Institute for Prospective Technological Studies

Panagiotis Kampylis (/panayiotis kabilis /) joined the European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (Information Society Unit) in January 2012. He contributes to projects on ICT for Learning, Creativity and Innovation in Life Long Learning. Panagiotis holds a Ph.D. in Cognitive Sciences from the University of Jyväskylä (Finland) thanks to a scholarship from the Greek State Scholarships Foundation. The title of his Ph.D. dissertation is “Fostering creative thinking - the role of primary teachers”. He (co-)authored several scientific publications in the fields of creativity and innovation in education, arts education, and ICT-enhanced learning. He is associate editor of the open-access Hellenic Journal of Music, Education and Culture.

Fostering innovative pedagogical practices through online networks: the case of eTwinnings

Panagiotis Kampylis, Stefania Bocconi, Yves Punie

This article deals with the role of teachers' collaboration networks in fostering ICT-enabled innovation for learning at system level, based on a review of the current literature and existing concrete cases. In particular, it is argued that by providing teachers with opportunities to extend the discussion around ICT-enabled innovation for learning and to share pedagogical know-how and educational contents, networks like eTwinning help to accelerate educational change and to diffuse pedagogical innovation at system level, feeding back into teachers’ local communities and school system. The article discusses data collected from an online survey involving about 100 eTwinning teachers from around Europe. This survey shows how teachers conceptualize innovative learning environments that fully embed ICT potential. The teachers also provide information on their concrete experiences and make proposals for further mainstreaming ICT-enabled innovations, such as eTwinning.

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