
Session schedule

Here you can find the session schedule which includes now the authors and session chairs.

Information for presenters

For each presentation has been scheduled 15 minutes (about 12 minutes for the presentation and 3 minutes for questions). In the end of each session there are additional 15 minutes for open discussion so the presenters are recommended to stay in the room till the end of the session.

It is recommended that presentation files are brought to Tampere Hall's speaker service room day before the actual presentation. From there the presentation will be transferred to the right conference room. If your presentation is scheduled for Monday or if you are not participating on previous day of your presentation you can either bring the presentation file to the service room before the session or bring it directly to the conference room with your own memory stick. The speaker service room is located next to the registration desk.

Presentations should be in PowerPoint (ppt / pptx) format but it is recommended to bring the presentation also in pdf format, just in case. Please name the file so that it can be connected to the right session e.g. 'A1_author name.pptx'.