
PhD seminar and grants for participation

Seminar for PhD-students and young researchers

At the time of the Symposium on Tuesday afternoon 31st May at 13.15 - 17.00, will be arranged a seminar for PhD students and young researchers to meet and be introduced to each others’ projects. The intention is that the seminar should be a networking event where good ties are created among the participants. New as well as experienced PhD students and other young researchers (e.g. with less than 5 years experience since their graduation on a Master level) are encouraged to participate in the seminar.

It is expected that each participant in the seminar will be prepared to give a five minute presentation about their project. The presentation may be about the technical subject of their project or about life as a PhD-student in general. The seminar is managed by a committee consisting of four experienced Nordic PhD students.

Participation to the seminar requires participation to the Symposium (at least on Tuesday) and paid conference fee. Registration and the topic of the presentation should be sent to jarkko.piironen(at)tut.fi, if possible by the end of April. Please tell in the message your name, organisation, country, email address, telephone number, stage of your studies and have you also submitted a paper for the Symposium.
Grant for Symposium participation

Six grants are offered to fresh PhD-students who would like to participate in the Symposium and the PhD-seminar but still have no research results to present. Each grant is 1000 € that can be spent by the PhD student to pay for the symposium fee, travel and lodging. The grant is made possible through the surplus gained from the previous Symposium NSB 2008, which was organized by the Technical University of Denmark, The Danish Building Research Institute, and the Danish Society of Engineers - IDA

Eligible applicants are PhD students from one of the Nordic or Baltic countries who have commenced their project in 2010 or later, so they have not been able to come enough into their project to write a paper to contribute to the symposium under normal terms.

Applicants for the grants should send an application with one page outline / essay about their project and indicate that they are willing to give presentation about their project to the PhD seminar. One short letter of reference from a senior researcher, who knows the PhD student well, may follow with the application.

Deadline for applications is 15th March. Applications should be sent by email to juha.vinha(at)tut.fi and the decisions will be given by the end of March.