Matemaattisen mallinnuksen verkosto

Finnish Network on Mathematical Modelling

The purpose of the network is to develop Web-based learning and teaching methods in mathematical modelling, to support content production and to develop the administrative measures needed to support web-based learning and teaching. Five Finnish universities participate in the project and the teachers of the universities are responsible for teaching certain parts of the courses and for producing the corresponding courseware. Students from different universities can study mathematical modelling both individually and collaboratively.

The accompanying universities are: Aalto University, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Tampere University of Technology (coordinator), University of Eastern Finland, University of Jyväskylä, University of Oulu.

Teaching and learning mathematical modelling on the Web

The purpose is to study mathematical modelling and to utilise what has been taught earlier on various mathematics courses but frequently not been sufficiently integrated, to direct students’ thoughts to problems in the real world and to teach them how to use simulation software to solve small scale practical problems. Problems can be modelled and simulated using numerical or symbolic software such as Matlab, Maple, Mathematica, and Elmer.

Expertise in mathematical modelling is fragmented around the different universities, thus the theoretical part of the courses and the case studies are taught using distance learning. The lectures included examples of case studies through which theory was illustrated through real-world phenomena. A video recording of the teachers’ lectures was made in advance. Links to the lectures were also located in learning environment.

In addition to this courseware supporting the lectures has also been produced. The lectures and the supporting material are stored in the Moodle learning environment. The opening ceremonies and the first lecture on the basic course are implemented as real-time videoconference.

The students study mathematical modelling by following lectures, solving exercises, completing project works and commenting other students’ responses and solutions to exercises. The courses include a project work in modelling in which the students solved a fairly simple modelling problem. The project works completed at the respective locations were presented at a videoconference at the end of the course. The project works are located in the learning environment, where they were commented. Supervisory responsibility rests with the teacher in whose area of expertise the practical task is located.

The courseware produced can also be utilised in self-access study, for example in companies and upper secondary schools. Courses can be studied using self-access.

Basic Course in Modelling (5 credits)

The course is recommended for students who are interested in the use of theoretical mathematics in practical applications. The goal of the course is to give students a general view on different forms of mathematical modelling, applications and mathematical methods required in modelling. The course is also suitable for those students who are studying to become teachers.

Advanced Courses in Modelling (4 credits)

The Advanced courses, to be taken after the basic course, is intended for 3rd to 4th year students for whom mathematics is a major or minor subject. Real modelling cases being researched in the universities, research institutes and enterprises are presented on the. The presentation of cases is achieved through videoconferencing/ recorded lectures. Additional courseware is also available.