Finnish National Network on Mathematical Modelling

The Finnish National Network on Mathematical Modelling is formed by the following Finnish universities and their departments (in the alphabetical order)

The units/departments share their interest and experience in mathematical modelling in order to develop and use mathematical methodology to solve important problems in science, economics and industry. The main activities of the network consist of modelling, simulation, collaboration with industry and society, in terms of projects, modelling weeks and study groups.

The units have joined their forces to teach mathematical modelling over the Internet. As an outcome, web-based learning and teaching methods as well as content production for mathematical modelling have been developed. Students from different universities can study mathematical modelling both individually and collaboratively. (

The Finnish Network is open to all interested partners in Finland including universities, industry, research institutes and laboratories.

The network consists of six nodes in five Finnish universities. The Network is based on their mutual agreement, including regulations, undersigned by the partner universities. The partners will elect a Council for the Network in their yearly meeting. The Council will elect the representative and the deputy for EU-MATHS-IN Council.

The web address of the Network is:

The chair, deputy and secretary of EU-MATHS-IN-FINLAND are

Chair: Turunen Esko
Tampere University,
Computing Sciences Unit
Deputy: Matti Heiliö
School of Engineering Science
Secretary: Seppo Pohjolainen
Tampere University,
Computing Sciences Unit

Accessability statement in Finnish