The Eighth International Workshop on Matrices and Statistics
Tampere, Finland |
List of Participants:
(as 2 August 1999)
For each contributed talk (and PhD Student Session talk) it is reserved
15 minutes, including discussion. Therefore, if you wish to have comments
on your presentation, please use less than 15 minutes for your presentation.
Instead of a contributed talk, it is possible to give a poster (indicate
your preference when sending the abstract).
Ahmed, S. E., U of Regina, Canada
estimation of characteristic roots in principal analysis"
Ahonen, Ilkka, U of Tampere, Finland
Akdeniz, Fikri, U of Cukurova, Adana, Turkey
examination and analysis of residuals for some biased estimators in linear
regression" (poster)
Alpargu, Gülhan, McGill U, Montréal,
in statistical procedures for valid hypothesis testing in regression models
with autocorrelated errors"
T.W., Stanford University, USA
analysis and reduced rank regression in autoregressive models"
Ando, T., Hokusei Gakuen University,
Sapporo, Japan
mean inequalities for matrices"
Azeredo Lopes, Sofia, U of Sheffield, UK
projections of 3D spatial distributions" (poster)
Benesch, Thomas, Graz U of Technology, Austria
survey by Direct Mailing"
Borisov, Mikhail Vladimirovich, Novosibirsk, Russia
investigation of the stability of two statistical parameter estimators
to complex disturbances in the data"
Brodsky, Sergei, Eventus Logistics, Ramat-Gan, Israel
Cacoullos, Theophilos, U of Athens, Greece
"On testing homoscedasticity
via independence under joint normality"
Chaganty, N. Rao,
Old Dominion U, Norfolk, USA
analysis of some multivariate models using quasi-least squares"
Ronald, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, USA
the independence assumption in linear models by control charting residuals"
Dodge, Yadolah,
U of Neuchâtel, Switzerland
asymmetric property of the correlation coefficient"
Hilmar, U of Kassel, Germany
SVD: Grillenberger's approach"
Dumais, Mylène, McGill University, Montréal,
comments and a bibliography on the Craig-Sakamoto theorem"
Farebrother, R. W., U of Manchester, UK
results for the method of averages"
Fellman, Johan, Swedish
S of Econ & Bus Adm, Helsinki, Finland
estimators in linear models"
Fieller, Nick, U of Sheffield, UK
Gnot, Stanislaw, Pedagogical U, Zielona Gora, Poland
of variance components by maximum likelihood method in certain mixed linear
Gene, Stanford University, USA
of a polygon from its moments" (With Peyman Milanfar and James
Jürgen, U of Dortmund, Germany
Moore-Penrose inverse of a partitioned nonnegative definite matrix"
Grzadziel, Mariusz, Agricultural U of Wroclaw, Poland
nonnegative quadratic estimation in linear models"
Hauke, Jan, Adam Mickiewicz U, Poznan, Poland
some matrix inequalities and their statistical applications"
Haukkanen, Pentti,
U of Tampere, Finland
Helle, Sami, U of Tampere, Finland
of the fiber length distribution of mechanical pulp using generalized linear
Hietikko, Harri,
U of Tampere, Finland
Huhtala, Heini,
U of Tampere, Finland
Huhtanen, Marko, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland
Huuhtanen, Pentti, U of Tampere,
Hämäläinen, Petri,
U of Tampere, Finland
Ihalainen, Heimo, Tampere University of Technology, Finland
Ishak, Maged, U of Newcastle, NSW, Australia
methods to model under registration problems in population data"
Isokoski, Poika, U of Tampere, Finland
Shane Tyler, McGill U, Montréal, Canada
comments and a bibliography on the von Szökefalvi Nagy-Popoviciu and
Nair-Thomson inequalities, with extensions and applications to statistics
and matrix theory"
John, J. A. (Nye),
U of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand
formula for the average efficiency factor in alpha designs"
Järvinen, Riitta,
U of Tampere, Finland
Kasala, Subramanyam,
U of North Carolina, Wilmington, USA
exact joint confidence region and test in multivariate calibration"
Klein, André,
U of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
generalization of Whittle's formula"
Klein, Thomas,
U of Augsburg, Germany
designs for second degree K-model mixture experiments"
Kollo, Tõnu, U of Tartu, Estonia
expansions for the sample correlation matrix"
Sergio, U of Oregon, Eugene, USA
Korte, Heli, U of Tampere, Finland
Koskinen, Lasse, The Central Pension
Security Institute, Helsinki, Finland
Kuosmanen, Pauli, Tampere University of Technology, Finland
Latva-Rasku, Petri, U of Tampere, Finland
Lee, Alan,
U of Auckland, New Zealand
correlated categorical variates via Kronecker products"
Leppälä, Raija,
U of Tampere, Finland
Liski, Erkki, U of Tampere,
Liu, Shuangzhe, U of Basel, Switzerland
maximum likelihood estimation for the VAR-VARCH model"
Lu, Chang-Yu, Northeast Normal U, Changchun,
Jilin, P.R. China
matrix results related to admissibility in linear models and generalized
matrix versions of Wielandt inequality"
Luoma, Arto,
U of Tampere, Finland
criterion in theory of optimal design"
Luukkaala, Tiina, U of Tampere, Finland
Manninen, Pentti, U of Tampere,
Markiewicz, Augustyn, Agricultural U of Poznan, Poland
linear estimation in an incorrectly specified restricted linear model"
Maroulas, John, Nat. Technical U, Athens, Greece
geometric approach to the canonical correlations in two- and three-way
Mathew, Thomas,
U of Maryland, Baltimore, USA
regions and simultaneous tolerance regions in multivariate regression"
Merikoski, Jorma K., U of
Tampere, Finland
and good bounds for the Perron root"
Metsänoja, Riina, U of Tampere, Finland
Mustonen, Seppo, University of Helsinki
computations in Survo" (link to Survo
's homepage)
of the paper"
Mäki, Sirkka, U of Vaasa, Finland
Möttönen, Jyrki, Tampere University of Technology, Finland
Nummi, Tapio, U of Tampere,
Nurhonen, Markku, U of
Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA
related to diagnostic methods in classification problems"
Oja, Hannu, U of Jyväskylä, Finland
Ollikainen, Jyrki, U of Tampere, Finland
traditional cluster methods to networks with large medicine data"
Friedrich, University of Augsburg, Germany
ordering of simplex designs for second-degree mixture models with four
or more ingredients" (With Norman
R. Draper and Berthold Heiligers)
Pukkila, Tarmo, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, Helsinki,
Puntanen, Simo, U of Tampere,
the world of collinearity ..."
Puustelli, Anne, U of Tampere, Finland
Pynnönen, Seppo, U of Vaasa, Finland
Ribe, Martin, Statistics Sweden, Stockholm, Sweden
Ringrose, Trevor John, U of Cranfield, UK
Saarela, Olli, KCL Development Oy, Espoo, Finland
Sal Moslehian, Mohammad, Ferdowsi University, Iran
Alastair, Auckland University, New Zealand
extension of Richards' Lemma with applications to a class of profile likelihood
problems" (With
Searle, Shayle, Cornell University,
Ithaca, USA
infusion of matrices into statistics"
Sillanpää, Juha,
U of Tampere, Finland
Bimal Kumar, University of Maryland, Baltimore, USA
estimation of variance components in multivariate unbalanced mixed models
with two variance components"
Stepniak, Czeslaw, Agricultural U of Lublin, Poland
channels and comparison of linear experiments"
George P. H., McGiIl University, Montréal, Canada
Hua's matrix equality and related inequalities, Schur complements, and
Sylvester's law of inertia" (With Christopher C. Paige, Bo-Ying
and Fuzhen Zhang)
Tiamzon III, Terry Enlightened, Far East Bank and Trust Company,
Manila, Philippines
Tian, Yongge, Concordia U, Montréal, Canada
universal block-matrix factorizations and their applications" (poster)
Tiit, Ene-Margit, U of Tartu, Estonia
extremal properties of correlation matrices"
Sven-Oliver, U of Dortmund, Germany
A matrix oriented approach"
Untinen, Helmi, U of Tampere, Finland
Vehkalahti, Kimmo,
U of Helsinki, Finland
Vichi, Maurizio, Societa Italiana di Statistica, Roma, Italy
squares approximation of non positive (semi)definite matrices of correlation
Virtanen, Ari, U of Tampere, Finland
Werner, Hans Joachim, University of Bonn, Germany
on the linear aggregation problem"
Williams, Emlyn, CSIRO, Kingston, Australia
Zaihraiev, Oleksandr,
N. Copernicus U, Torun, Poland
optimality design criterion and stochastic majorization"
Zhang, Bao-Xue, Northeast Normal U, Changchun,
Jilin, P.R. China
results on estimator of the mean vector and variance in the general linear
model and estimating problems for location (scale) models from grouped
samples under order restrictions"
Zmyslony, Roman, Technical U of Zielona Gora, Poland
hypotheses for parameters in mixed linear models"
Zontek, Stefan, Technical U of Zielona Gora, Poland
construction of a basis of Jordan algebra of matrices with applications
to a special linear model" (poster)