Trikkaus- ja

Tampere Academic 
Tricking and Circus Club

TaTSi Board 2023

🎤  Head of the board: Aaro Mätäsniemi @aaromatasniemi
💰  Treasurer: Kiia Metso
💻  Secretary: Jenna Onkalo
🎶  Event Official:  Iiris Tuomi
📷  Media Official: Taru Westerholm  
🧮  General Official: Matias Rajalin

Head of the board 2023:
Aaro Mätäsniemi

A New Master. Will use unlimited strength to forge most awesome club ever, with the aid of the coolest people, the TaTSi 2023 board. Fresh!

Background in trampoline acrobatics. Nowadays practising tricking, strength and what not.

learn more

Board 2020

Head of the board: Leo Tiittanen
Krista Scharlin
Ruska Heikkilä
Patrik Parviainen
Juho Vesterlund
Iiris Mustonen
Kevin Mäkelä

Work in progress..

The dude to blame for these webpages

Patrik Parviainen
