Digital accessibility

Digital accessibility means that websites, tools, and technologies are designed and implemented in a way that people with disabilities can use them as well. Digital accessibility aims that people with disabilities also perceive, navigate, and interact with the tools in the digital world. 

Web developers, for example, could add alt text descriptions to images to define images textually, thus visually impaired people can hear what the image looks like through voice over utilities. 

Web accessibility is a broad term and not restricted to only the visually impaired segment of the society. The Web usually offers people four fundamental operations. These can be abbreviated as CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete). Developers should aim for people with cognitive, neurological, physical disabilities to be able to perform CRUD operations. For example, a person cannot use his/her hand permanently or temporarily, however, he/she wants to use the mobile phone. It is definitely going to be difficult but with the help of artificial intelligence he/she can perform the operations through voice commands. Siri is a good example for this purpose. 

In addition to the people who have disabilities, people with low income or language barrier should access the content written in English language through auto translation options. On the other hand, people who do not own or have access to the state-of-art computers or internet connection should be able to access the Web content with the least effort. 

Digital accessibility is relatively new in the modern world, however, companies and organizations have begun to take it into consideration during the process of product and service development. Consumers should demand products and services in addition to the regulations of governments therefore, accessibility features can be adapted rapidly in the future. 
