Significance of the problem

Tampere Cathedral is not only religiously important, but also has historical perspectives. As a symbol of new national spirit at the time of Russification during the 20th century, this cathedral holds historical importance, too. While building the cathedral, the renowned symbolist Hugo Simberg painted frescoes in it, which represent the time and cultural situation in a very interesting way.

To increase the engagement with visitors, the cathedral authority has thought about introducing non-traditional experiences to them. They chose to use VR/AR technology as these can help create a different taste. Also, museums have adapted these technologies to communicate more effectively with the visitors. If the cathedral is accessible both virtually and on the spot, visitors will be interested in knowing about the facts and history of it. The frescoes will be alive again, not only on the wall or screen, but also among people.

The Cathedral provides many kinds of services that the general public might be unaware of, but that would probably also gain from people’s increased interest in the church. Currently the cathedral has activities where school children, adults, families, senior citizens, disable people and volunteers take part. Solutions to the wicked problem could engage more people in activities, for instance, providing information for booking of burial, christening, wedding, family counselling, and certification according to its website. There is also a library at the cathedral, which could be very useful for the visitors. The library has books on many interesting areas besides the devotional and religious literature such as psychology, philosophy, and social sciences devotional materials in the library. There are also CDs/DVDs, games, role clothes, observation material on broadcast topics, and various cards about emotions, strengths, etc. to arouse thoughts and can be borrowed alongside books. There is also house rental service information on the website, which is available in Finnish only. User engagement could also increase the credibility of these other activities by the cathedral.

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