
Results of Rusko-Tuska are under: I could say that next year’s race must be much longer, harder and more painful!


 Herrat     Nimi		Aika	 Ero		Pisteet 1.  Timo Mikkola	1:44:33	 		1000	"what are these little maps, orienteering in big scale" 2.  Teemu Väre		1:45:05	   00:32	995	"leading position on the last control" 3.  Staffan Tunis	1:55:49	   11:16	892 4.  Timo Nissinen	1:57:35	   13:02	875	"just following others" 5.  Saku Asikainen	1:58:20	   13:47	868	"shape is not so good anymore" 6.  Jaakko Istolahti	2:01:05	   16:32	842	"10min mistake" 7.  Raphael Stefanini	2:12:50	   28:17	729 8.  Matti Raitoharju	3:35:00	 1:50:27	1	"real fighter!" 9.  Tuomas Fjällström	kesk			1	"freezing legs" 10. Matias Vanhanen	kesk			1 11. Tomas Sedlacek	kesk			1	"out of the map" 12. Antti Kaivosaari	kesk			1 				 Leidit 	Nimi		Aika	 Ero		Pisteet 1.  Jenni Mettälä	1:21:00			1000 2.  Taina Uotila	2:00:30	   39:30	512 3.  Tiina Uotila	2:00:32	   39:32	512 4.  Mari Seppänen	2:46:00	 1:25:00	1 4.  Jenni Pulkkinen	2:46:00	 1:25:00	1 

Thanks everyone!

