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Main Team
Photo of Mimirthful

Mimirthful | Alex "Mimi" Lankio

Scrum Master, Jack Of All Trades

On top of project management, Mimi also worked as a Jack of all trades helping the rest of the team.

The pixel art, logo, point counters and the mini game are all done by Mimi. They have also written part of the story in the game.

On their free time Mimi reads or forces their friends to play horror Co-Op games with them.



Photo of PPDonuts

PPDonuts | Juha Pääkkönen

Programming, Settings, Translating

PPDonuts has built, among other things, the INK integration, game's setting and has translated the game's story.

Our game uses INK dialogue scripting language, which PPDonuts has integrated into Unity. He has also done the in game settings. On top of this, the story's English translation is also done by him.

On his free time you can find PP Donuts cleaning Tertium of Chaos filth.


Photo of Rueire

Rueire | Reea Rinnemäki

Art, Character Design and Backgrounds

Rueire has created the characters and backgrounds you can see in the game.

The visuals of the main character and sprites are all drawn by Rueire. She has also designed and drawn the backgrounds representing the game world and written part of the game's story.

Rueire's free time is dictated by a frenzy of creation and she spends her free time by drawing, knitting or playing life simulators.

