Pixel Pros

Creators of Connectify

picture of Kimi
Kimi Lahti
Scrum Master

Kimi works as a Scrum Master in our team. His job is to make sure that the project is progressing according to schedule. He also makes sure that everything that the team does corresponds to the customer's requests. Kimi's responsibility is also the creation of the project's website. He also keeps the team's motivation and team spirit high at all times.

picture of Sumu
Sumu Vuori

As one of the team's programmers, Sumu's job has been making the basic structure and functionality of the game. It has been their responsibility to make sure that the game works and is as user friendly as it can be. Sumu has mainly worked with another team's game, so in this project their tasks have been mostly related to Unity and C#.

picture of Harri
Harri Salminen

Harri is the coder of the group, but his role in programming has been limited. Harri has made menus and buttons for the game. However, Harri has created most of the story of the game.

picture of Joonas
Joonas Moilanen

Joonas works as a graphic designer in our team. His responsibility is the game's visual appearance, which is created through pixel art graphics. This creates a stylish retro-style look for the game. He uses Krita image editing software as his tool, which is well-suited for creating pixel art.

Logo of Tamk logo of Tiko Logo of EUEAKR Logo of Tykky Logo of Vipuvoimaa