Joni-Kristian Kämäräinen

Professor of Signal Processing
Computing Sciences, Tampere University

Mailing Address: Tampere University, FI-33014 Tampere University, Finland
Office: TF411 Tietotalo (Hervanta Campus)
Email: joni.kamarainen ät

Official Page

Joni (image by Jonne Renvall)

I am Professor of Signal Processing at Computing Sciences department at Tampere University where I am part of the Vision Group. I did my post-doc in Center of Vision, Speech and Signal Processing, University of Surrey, with Josef Kittler. After my post-doc I spent five years in the Faculty of the LUT School of Engineering Science, LUT University, after which I was selected to the current tenure-track position in 2012 (tenured 2017 and promoted to full professor 2020).

Oppikirja Uusi oppikirja koneoppimisesta (koodiesimerkit vapaasti saatavilla): Koneoppimisen perusteet (Otatieto, 2023).


My main research interests are robot vision and robot learning. I am broadly interested about computer vision problems and machine learning. I am involved in many applied research projects and collaborate with industrial partners.

You can find more information from the Vision Group Web page at


I've been privileged to supervise the following brilliant people:


Tampere University:


See the Web page of our research group (Computer Vision Group) or my Google Scholar profile

Funding Sources

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Societal Impact