
International publications
  1. Liski, Erkki P. and Saario, Vesa (1986). The Feasible Admission to the Optimization of Exploitation of Tree Stems, Engineering Costs and Production Economics, 12, p. 21-28.
  2. Liski, Erkki P. and Nummi, Tapio (1990). Prediction in Growth Curve Models with an Application to Automatic Harvesting of Tree Stems, Short Communications of COMPSTAT 1990, p. 51-52.
  3. Liski, Erkki P. and Tapio Nummi (1990). Prediction in Growth Curve Models Using the EM Algorithm, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, Vol 10, No. 2, pp. 99-108.
  4. Liski, Erkki P. and Nummi, Tapio (1995). Prediction and inverse estimation in repeated-measures models, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 47, 141-151.
  5. Liski, Erkki P. and Nummi, Tapio (1995). Prediction of tree stems to improve efficiency in automatized harvesting of forests. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 22, 255-259.
  6. Liski, Erkki P. and Nummi, Tapio (1995). The marking for bucking under uncertainty in automatic harvesting of forests. Eight International Working Seminar on Production Economics: Pre-Prints Volume 3, 367-385.
  7. Abt, M., Liski, Erkki P., Mandal N. K. and Sinha, B. K. (1996). Optimal Designs in Growth Curve Models: Part 1. Correlated Model for Linear Growth: Optimal Designs for Slope Parameter Estimation and Growth Prediction. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference. (appears)
  8. Abt, M., Liski, Erkki P., Mandal N. K. and Sinha, B. K. (1996). Optimal Designs in Growth Curve Models: Part II. Correlated Model for Linear Growth: Optimal Designs for Slope Parameter Estimation and Growth Prediction. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference. (submitted for publication)
  9. Liski, Erkki P., Luoma, A. and Sinha, Bikas K.(1996), Optimal Designs in Random Coefficient Linear Regression Models. Calcutta Statistical Association Bulletin, 46, 211-230.
  10. Liski, Erkki P. and Nummi, Tapio (1996), Prediction in Repeated-Measures Models with Engineering Applications, Technometrics, VOL. 38, NO. 1, pp. 25-36.
  11. Liski, Erkki P. and Nummi, Tapio (1996). Prediction of Tree Stems in Autom atized Marking for Bucking. Proceedings of IUFRO 95 World Congress, 6-12 August, Tampere, Finland.
  12. Liski, Erkki P., Luoma Arto Nripes K. Mandal and Bikas K. Sinha, Optimal Designs for Prediction in Random Coefficient Linear Regression Models p. 1-18 t
  13. Liski, Erkki P., Luoma, A. and Sinha, Bikas K.(1996), Optimal Designs in Random Coefficient Linear Regression Models. Calcutta Statistical Association Bulletin, 46, 211-230.
  14. Liski, Erkki P. and Nummi, Tapio (1996), The Marking for Bucking under Uncertainty in Automatic Harvesting of Forest, International Journal of Production Economy, 46-47, pp. 373-385.
  15. Liski, Erkki P., Luoma, Arto, Mandal, N. K. and Sinha, Bikas K.(1997), Optimal Designs for an Inverse Prediction Problem under Random Coefficient Regression Models. Journal of Indian Soceity of Agricultural Statistics ( Golden Jubilee Volume ), XLIX, 277-288.
  16. Liski, Erkki P., Luoma, Arto, Mandal, N.K. and Sinha, Bikas K.F.(1997), Optimal Designs for Prediction in Random Coefficient Linear Regression Models. Paper accepted for publication in J. N. Srivastava Felicitation Volume of the Journal of Combinatorics, Informatics and Systems Sciences. Ed. C. R. Rao, S. Gupta and R. Mukerjee.
  17. Nummi, Tapio (1997), A Multivariate Growth Model with an Application to Paper Testing, Proceedings of Tartu Conference on Computational Statistics & Statistical Education, E.M. Tiit, Editor, Univer sity of Tartu, Estonia, pp. 112-123.
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Other international publications related to main theme
  1. Liski, Erkki P. (1984). Missing data problems in growth curves. Proceedings of the COMPSTAT 1984, Physica-Verlag, Wien, 479-484.
  2. Liski, Erkki P. (1985). Estimation from incomplete data in growth curve models. Communications in Statistics.- Simulation and Computation, 14, 13-27.
  3. Liski, Erkki P. (1987). A Growth Curve Analysis for Bulls Tested at Station. Biometrical Journal, 29, 331-343.
  4. Liski, Erkki P. and Tapio Nummi (1987). Comparing Various Estimation Techniques in the Growth Curve Model when Data are Incomplete. Fifth Intemational Symposium Data Analysis and Informatics, 29 September - 2 October 1987, Versailles - France, Tome 1, p. 83-90 (Session 4: Modeles), (ed./Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique).
  5. Liski, Erkki P. and T. Nummi (1988). Comparing Sensitivity of Models to Missing Data in the GMANOVA. COMPSTAT 1988, Physica-Verlag Heidelbero, for IASC (ed. by D. Edwards and N.E. Raun), p. 311-316.
  6. Tapio Nummi (1989). APL as a Tool for Computations in Growth Studies. Adamm Kertesz - Lynne C. Shaw (Eds.): Conference Proceedings APL89 - APL as a Tool of Thought, August 7-10, 1989, New York City. APL QuoteQuad, Volume 19, Number 4, pp. 293-298.
  7. Liski, Erkki P. (1991). Detecting influential measurements in a growth curve model. Biometrics 47, 659-668.
  8. Liski, Erkki P. and Tapio Nummi (1991). Missing Data under the GMANOVA Model. The Frontiers of Statistical Scientific Theory & Industrial Applications (Volume II of the Proceedings of ICOSCO - I, The First Intemational Conference on Statistical Computing).
  9. Tapio Nummi (1992). On model selection under the GMANOVA model. Statistical Modelling, (P.G.M van der Heijden, W. Jansen, B. Francis and G.U.H. Seeber, eds.), Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam, 283-292.
  10. Abt, M., Liski, Erkki P., Mandal N. K. and Sinha, B. K. (1994). Optimal Designs in Crowth Curve Models:Part I. Correlated Model for Linear Growth: Optimal Designs for Slope Parameter Estimation and Growth Prediction. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference.
  11. Pan, J. X., Fang, K. T. and Liski, Erkki P. (1994). Bayesian local influence in the growth curve model with Rao's simple covariance structure. Journal of Multivariate Analysis. [Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Tampere, Report A 284.]
  12. Nummi, Tapio (1997), Estimation in Random Effects Growth Curve Model, Journal of Applied Statistics, Vol. 24, No. 2, pp. 157-168.
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  1. Tapio Nummi (1995). On Estimation and Prediction in Growth Curve Models with Applications. Acta Universitatis Tamperensis (Väitöskirja), ser A 436, Tampereen yliopisto.
  2. Tapio Nummi (1989). On Analysing Growth Curves Especlally with Incomplete and Influential Data. Lisensiaatintutkimus, Tampereen yliopisto.
  3. Peltola, Marjo (1989). Tukkipuun optimaalinen katkaisu, pro Cradu-tutkielma, Tampereen yliopisto.
  4. Korvenoja, Hannu (1993). Puun kapeneman ennustaminen automaattiselle metsätyökoneelle, pro gradu-tutkielma, Tampereen yliopisto.
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Technical reports
  1. Liski, Erkki P. and Nummi, Tapio (1991). Prediction in Growth Curve Models with an Application to Automatic Harvesting of Tree Stems (Posteri), Pitkittäisaineistojen analyysi-seminaari Jyväskylässä 23.5.-24.5.1991, Jyväskylän yliopiston Tilastotieteen laitoksen julkaisuja, 15/1991, lokakuu 1991.
  2. Liski, Erkki P. and Nummi, Tapio (1991). Prediction in Growth Curve Models with an Application to Automatic Harvesting of Tree Stems, University of Tampere, Finland Report A 266, 18 p. (Esitetty 22.9.1992 konferenssissa Seventh Intemational Conference on Multivariate Analysis.)
  3. Abt, M., Liski, Erkki P. and Sinha, B. K. (1993). Linear and Quadratic Crowth Curve Models with Intraclass Covariance Structure and Related Optimal Designs, Report No. 472, Department of Mathematics, University of Augsburg.
  4. Korvenoja, Hannu and Nummi, Tapio (1994). Sekamalli rungon kapeneman ennustamisessa metsätyökoneelle. Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Tampere, Report C 55.
  5. Liski, Erkki P., Luoma, A. and Sinha, Bikas K. (1994). Optimal designs in a random coefficient linear growth curve model. Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Tampere, Report A 286, 16pp.
  6. Liski, Erkki P., Luoma, A., Mandal, N. K. and Sinha, Bikas K. (1995). Inverse prediction under certain regression models. Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Tampere, Report A 294, 14 pp.
  7. Liski, Erkki P., Luoma, A., Mandal, N. K. and Sinha, Bikas K. (1995). Optimal designs for prediction in random coefficlent regression models. Department of Mathematical Selences, University of Tampere, Report A 295.
  8. Liski, Erkki P., Luoma, A., Mandal, N. K. and Sinha, Bikas K. (1995). Optimal designs for estimation and prediction in random coefficient quadratic regression. Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Tampere, Report A 296.
  9. Metsänkorjuun simulaattori ja sovelluskehitin. Julkaisematon raportti ohjelmistosta ja sen kehityssuunnitelmista.
  10. Luoma Arto(1996), Some experiments in tree stem curve simulation. The Yearbook of the Finnish Statistical Society.
  11. Sengupta, S., Sinha, Bikas K and Liski, Erkki P. (1997). Plot Sampling with Plots of Unequal Sizes. Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Tampere, Report A 312.
  12. Erkki Mäkelä (1997), Metsätyökonesimulaattori osa 1 (Käyttöopas), Deparment of Mathematical Sciences, University of Tampere, Report C 57, 12 s.
  13. Erkki Mäkelä (1998), Metsätyökonesimulaattori osa 2 (Taustateoriaa ja käytännön esimerkkejä), Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Tampere, Report c 58, 16 s.
  14. Tapio Nummi (1998). On Prediction of Stem Characteristics for Pine Trees, Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Tampere, Report A 313. Jani-Pekka Virtanen (1998). Jakauma-apteeraus, Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Tampere, Report C 59.
  15. Sengupta, S., Sinha, Bikas K. and Liski Erkki P. (1998). Estimation of Tree Parameters of a Forest -a Finite Population Approach. Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Tampere, Report A 314.
  16. Juha Karvanen ja Susanna Kunttu (1998). Spatiaalisen metsänmallinnuksen perusteita. Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Tampere, Report C 60.
  17. Marjo Laine (1998). Probability Sampling and Estimation of a Population Total. Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Tampere, Report C62.
  18. Marjo Laine (1998). Estimation of a Total Growing Stock Volume in a Forest. Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Tampere, Report C 61.
  19. Tapio Nummi (1998). Estimation and Prediction for Stem Data under Measurement Errors. Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Tampere, Report A 316.
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Other publications related to main theme
  1. Liski, Erkki P. (1987). Identifyincg, influential data in a growth curve model. Proceedings of the Second Intemational Tampere Conference in Statistics (Tampere, Finland, 1-4 June 1987), Tarmo Pukkila and Simo Puntanen, Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, University of Tampere, 555-556.
  2. Liski Erkki P. Luoma Arto and Sinha Bikas K. (1996). Optimal Designs in Random Coefficient Linear Regression Models Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, University of Tampere, pp. 116-227 t
  3. Tapio Nummi (1988). APL-pohjainen ohjelmisto GMANOVA-mallille. Suomen Tilastoseuran vuosikirja 1987, s. 7-17 ja s. 18: An APL System for GMANOVA Model (Abstract), Helsinki.
  4. Tapio Nummi, Kari Suomela, Kimmo Vattulainen (1994). Lenkomittauksen esiselvitystyö, Luento, Tampereen yliopisto.
  5. Liski, Erkki P. (1991). Efficiency of Estimation in the Generallzed Analysis of Variance Model. In: A Spectrum of Statistical Thought, Essays in Statistical Theory and Economics and Population Genetics in honor of Johan Fellman on his sixtieth birthday.(Rosenquist, G., Juselius, K., Nordström, K. and Palmgren, J.) (eds.), Publications of the Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration, 46, pp. 151-160.
  6. Wang, S.-G., Liski E. P. and Nummi Tapio (1997), Two-way selection of covariables in multivariate growth curve models, Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Tampere, Finland, Report A 310, 9 p.
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