Tampere University Solar PV Power Station Research Plant, active since 2011, is located on the rooftop of Sähkötalo building at Hervanta Campus, Tampere, Finland. The research plant includes a weather station. The weather data are used along with other measurement data in research projects. Data will be saved and the page can be refreshed every 2 minutes. At maintenance days the data saving might be disabled for temporary periods.

2025-03-09 04:28:00
Global irradiance: 6.2 W/m2; Diffuse irradiance: 5 W/m2; Temperature: 0.4 °C;
Humidity: 77.6 %; Wind speed: 3.6 m/s; Wind direction: 279.3 °

The weather station consists of several weather instruments:

  • Kipp & Zonen CMP22 measures global irradiance
  • Kipp & Zonen CMP21 has a shadow ring above the sensor to measure diffuse irradiance
  • Vaisala HMP155 measures humidity and ambient temperature
  • Vaisala WS425 measures wind speed and wind direction

  • (Left click an image to see it in large size)
    Equpments: image 1 of 4 thumb
    Equpments: image 2 of 4 thumb
    Equpments: image 3 of 4 thumb
    Equpments: image 4 of 4 thumb

    Tampere University Solar PV Power Station Research Plant consists of 69 PV modules, climatic measuring system and electrical measuring system. In addition to the weather station, a mesh of 24 pairs of irradiance and temperature sensors measures the operating conditions of the PV modules. Current-voltage curves of single PV modules and strings of series-connected PV modules are measured using current-voltage curve tracers based on controllable switches.

    The research plant was intalled on the rooftop of Sähkötalo building at Hervanta Campus in 2011. The mesh of irradiance and temperature sensors was extended in 2014. More information about the research plant is provided in the following article:

  • D. Torres Lobera, A. Mäki, J. Huusari, K. Lappalainen, T. Suntio and S. Valkealahti. Operation of TUT solar PV power station research plant under partial shading caused by snow and buildings. International Journal of Photoenergy 2013, 837310. DOI:10.1155/2013/837310.

  • More information

    Contact details: Assistant Professor Kari Lappalainen, kari.lappalainen(at)tuni.fi

    Latest update 18.9.2024 -Kari Lappalainen