PreconNet events
Multiplier event in November 2021, Belgium

PreconNet Conference in September 2021, Austria
This conference was organised by the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences in Klagenfurt.
The conference was in hybrid modus on 17 September 2021, FH-Kärnten, Campus St. Veiterstraße 47, 9020 Klagenfurt (Turnsaal).
The conference was co-financed by the Erasmus+ KA2 programme (»Cooperation on innovation and exchange of good practices«), therefore participation was free of charge.
At the conference, eminent plenary speakers participated: notable experts in preconception health from Tampere University of Applied Sciences, Finland; Carinthia University of Applied Sciences, Klagenfurt, Austria; VIVES University of Applied Sciences, Brugge, Belgium; Faculty of health sciences, University of Ljubljana and Faculty of health sciences, University of Primorska, all project team members of the PreconNet project (»PRECONCEPTION HEALTH OF YOUTH, bridging the gap in and through education«).
The application for the allocation of license points was applied to the Nurses and Midwives Association of Austria.

PreconNet Conference in February 2021, Finland
The Finnish team organised a national online conference on the 17th of February in 2021. The conference were aimed at the Finnish midwife community, including midwives in work life, midwife lecturers and students and other interested professionals from around the country.
The presentations of the day included an introduction of the PreconNet project, a presentation on Life Course and Preconception Health, a presentation of the Finnish midwife education and the international recommendations, the Honey Comb-model, tools and the PCHC-competencies. The program also included presentations from our partners in Belgium and Slovenia, which both included new and innovative approaches to preconception health. The afternoon ended off with a presentation by the chairwoman of The Federation of Finnish Midwives; The role of midwives in sexual and reproductive health.
Thank you to everyone that presented and participated in the conference!

PreconNet Conference in September 2020, Slovenia
Scientific and Professional International Conference
Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Primorska, Izola, Slovenia
17th September 2020
At the conference, eminent plenary speakers participated: dr. Bole Grace, University College London, United Kingdom, and dr. Zalka Drglin, National institute of Public Health, Slovenia, and other notable experts in preconception health from Tampere University of Applied Sciences, Finland; Carinthia University of Applied Sciences, Klagenfurt, Austria; VIVES University of Applied Sciences, Brugge, Belgium; Faculty of health sciences, University of Ljubljana and Faculty of health sciences, University of Primorska, all project team members of the PreconNet project (»PRECONCEPTION HEALTH OF YOUTH, bridging the gap in and through education«). In the afternoon session, various preconception teaching/learning tools will be presented in a practical workshop. Hence, it is advisable (not mandatory) to bring your own laptop or tablet.
The application for the allocation of license points was applied to the Nurses and Midwives Association of Slovenia.
PreconNet Conference in May 2019, Slovenia
International Scientific Conference
Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia
9th and 10th May 2019