LPA kernel design
Calculates the LPA convolution smoothing and differentiation
kernels of polynomial approximation and its frequency response characteristic, and draws them.
LPA-ICI denoising
Performs the Anisotropic LPA-ICI denoising on observations which are contaminated by additive white Gaussian noise.
Median-ICI denoising
Performs the Anisotropic Median-ICI denoising on observations which are contaminated by the additive white Gaussian and impulsive noise.
Oracle Invariant scale selection
Illustrates the problem of invariant scale selection. The invariant ideal scale
h of the LPA estimator is found for the noisy signal assuming that the true signal is known.
Oracle Varying scale selection
Illustrates optimal scale selection for every point of the signal.
The varying ideal scale h of the LPA estimator is found for the noisy signal assuming that the true signal is known.
Ideal scale is selected by minimization of mean square error in a point-wise manner.