Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Essi Eerola Author-Name-First: Essi Author-Name-Last: Eerola Author-Email: essi.eerola@bof.fi Author-Workplace-Name: Bank of Finland Author-Name: Tuomas Kosonen Author-Name-First: Tuomas Author-Name-Last: Kosonen Author-Email: tuomas.kosonen@vatt.fi Author-Workplace-Name: Finnish Centre of Excellence in Tax Systems Research, VATT Institute for Economic Research Author-Name: Kaisa Kotakorpi Author-Name-First: Kaisa Author-Name-Last: Kotakorpi Author-Email: kaisa.kotakorpi@tuni.fi Author-Workplace-Name: Finnish Centre of Excellence in Tax Systems Research, Tampere University, VATT Institute for Economic Research Author-Name: Teemu Lyytikäinen Author-Name-First: Teemu Author-Name-Last: Lyytikäinen Author-Email: teemu.lyytikainen@vatt.fi Author-Workplace-Name: Finnish Centre of Excellence in Tax Systems ResearchVATT Institute for Economic Research Title: Tax Compliance in the Rental Housing Market: Evidence from a Field Experiment Abstract: We study rental income tax compliance using novel third-party information and a large-scale randomized field experiment. The third-party information combines register data on the ownership and occupancy of apartments. The RCT sent information letters about the usage of third-party information in tax enforcement. This increased the propensity to report rental income and the amount of reported rental income net of expenses. Our research design also allows us to identify members of ownership networks and analyze spillover effects in tax enforcement between them. We find positive reporting spillovers. We do not find evidence of real effects on asset market transactions. Length: 48 pages Creation-Date: 2023-06 Publication-Status: Published in FIT Working Paper Series, Finnish Center of Excellence in Tax Systems Research File-URL: https://verotutkimus.fi/verotutkimus/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/FIT-WP-14-Tax-Compliance-in-the-Rental-Housing-Market-300623.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf File-Function: New and expanded version, 2023 Number: 14 Classification-JEL: H26, H31 Keywords: Tax compliance, field experiment, rental market, spillovers, real effects of tax enforcement Handle: RePEc:fit:wpaper:14