Forest Focus
Learning Adventure

A unique gaming experience that combines exploring the wonders of nature with learning in a new way. Imagine being able to learn something new while exploring the beauty and tranquility of nature nearby. The Forest Focus game is designed to inspire students to move in nature and learn new things at the same time. It's not just a game - it's a learning adventure that takes you into the heart of nature.


Innovative Education Tool

The game is designed as an easy-to-use tool for teachers, enabling learning to be brought closer to nature. It can be used for studying or reviewing any subject. The game offers an alternative to traditional learning methods by combining the calming nature and learning new subjects.

Game - Question

Your Feet as Controllers

A step counter guides the progress of the game and the multiple-choice questions presented to the player: as you walk in nature, you get questions, and correct answers are rewarded with points. At the same time, your avatar explores the virtual forest and discovers its secrets.


Join the Forest Focus adventure and experience the joy of learning in the midst of nature!
